Tomorrow is the last day to take advantage of this special offer on Paper Pumpkin - 50% off your first 2 months when you use the Promo Code SAVEFIFTY0418.
If you've wanted to try stamping but didn't know where to start, Paper Pumpkin is a great way to go. It also makes a great gift. Get a subscription for Mom and yourself for Mother's Day and set aside one day over the next two months crafting together. Have a friend who's been going through a difficult time, perhaps dealing with treatments of some kind? Paper Pumpkin is great therapy and can take their mind off of things for a few hours each month. How about spending some quality time with that special grandchild. Sharing creativity is a great way to bond!
It's only $10/month for the first two months. If you want to continue, it's $20/month thereafter. Don't want to continue? That's fine too, just cancel your subscription before the 10th of the month.
Click on the Paper Pumpkin link in the right sidebar of my blog to see previous kits and the alternate projects I have made. If you're in my area you can join my Paper Pumpkin group at no charge to make projects from the kit and/or my alternatives.
Subscribe to Paper Pumpkin by clicking HERE and enter the Promo Code SAVEFIFTY0418.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.